A warm body

Sometimes, I get so involved in my work that I become oblivious to my surroundings. Like today, when I realized that I was shivering from being so cold. Luckily, I had Buddy here to act as a thermal blanket for my feet. My photo of the day for day 364 is of Buddy after he got my feeling in my feet again.


2010 is rapidly drawing to a close and so is Project 365 for the year. While this project may have ended up being more of a task than a labor of love, it has made it possible for me to look back and see what I did this year. It has been fun packed. My picture of the day is of Buddy and I having a serious discussion about our activities of the past year.

I Know How Noah Felt

Have I mentioned how wet it is around here lately? It is getting more and more difficult each day to find a piece of land above the water to walk Buddy on. As you can tell by my photo of the day, Buddy is not too bothered by it.

Reindeer Down

Yes, this non-stop rain and wind is taking its toll on some of the neighbors Christmas decorations. We are supposed to have two more days of this stuff, so we will see who puts up the most durable decorations. My photo of the day is of Buddy checking on the welfare of a local Christmas decoration.

Kick Up Your Heels

I often tell passersby that Buddy has never met a day he did not like. Granted, there may be the occasional rainy morning, but he still is more excited about them than I ever am. My photo of the day number 350 is of Buddy, kicking up his heels, in celebration of a new day.

Photos From Trump National Golf Club

A December Day at the Shore Rancho Palos Verdes, CA A few weeks ago, while walking Buddy I met a guy that had recently moved into the area. We were discussing places to walk our dogs and he mentioned a dog beach out by the Trump National Golf Club on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. This was news to me as I thought the closest dog friendly beach to me was down in Long Beach. Today, Tanya, Buddy and I took a drive up there to check it out. The Trump National Golf Club looks amazing, but for $250 million, I …

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Next to finding a photo worth taking each day, probably the most difficult part of Project 365 is thinking of something interesting to say about the photo. Today is a perfect example of this. My picture of the day for day 341 is of Buddy. At the end of every walk, Buddy lets me remove his Gentle Leader and leash, then he sits, watching the house, waiting for the signal to get his furry butt over there and in the back yard.

Walking Together

Tanya is not much of a morning person so she has never joined Buddy and me on our morning walks. However, nine times out of ten she will join us for our evening walks. My picture of the day for day 340 is of the three of us on an evening walk, waiting for the light to change.

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