It Just Keeps On

If it is not one thing it is another would be a welcome relief. Instead it just keeps piling on. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I guess I am glad that it is not all sun shiny and bright. It would totally conflict with my disposition. My picture of the day for Project 365 day 295 is a photo of the clouds that are parked over me lately.

Lethal Combination

Some things just do not mix well. You know, cats and dogs, scotch and orange juice, things like that. I am reminded almost daily that I should not bring alcohol and fireworks to the park. That is okay, I can wait on the beer. My picture of the day for day 294 is a reminder to not mix alcohol and fireworks.

Take Charge

Several weeks ago an acquaintance began talking about a healthy grain combination he was working on. He asked me if I would be interested in trying it out, since he knows I try to take reasonably good care of myself. Yesterday, I received a sample of it in the mail. It said I was to take a 1/4 cup in the morning, and mixing with yogurt sounded like a good way to go. My photo of the day for day 293 is my breakfast today, and what will be my breakfast for at least the next six days. Let’s see …

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Another Rainy Walk

I do not know what is happening with the weather around here. One might think this was Oregon or something with all the rain we have had recently. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it did remind me of a period a few years ago when LA had more rainfall than Seattle. I hope we do not have a repeat of that as I have no real plans of going anywhere for a while. My Project 365 photo for day 292 was taken while walking Buddy on another rainy morning.

Non-photo day?

It is not often that I go a day without taking at least a couple of photographs, but that is what happened on Monday. It was not until 11:30 that night that I realized I did not have a picture for my Project 365. My picture of the day for day 291 is of Tanya and I in my obligatory daily photo.

A Day In Yosemite

Tanya and I decided to visit Yosemite National Park today. It really has some amazing views. All those photographs you thought were enhanced, probably were not. The beauty of this place is pretty much dripping from everything. My photo of the day for day 289 is of Tanya and me with one of the amazing views to be found at Yosemite.

Big Tree Day

Tanya and I did not have anything to do last night. I told her I had no objection to just jumping in the car and taking off. She suggested that what I was really saying is that I wanted to go for a ride. Since she was game, I asked Buddy if he wanted to go. He made it pretty clear he was up for it. My photo of the day for day 288 if on Tanya and I in front of a huge tree in Sequoia National Park.

Full Service Hospital

When I was a lad, the running joke about hospitals was their food, and the quality or lack thereof. I remember visiting my dad or mom in the hospital 30-some years ago and they were serving decent food. For some reason, I seem to recall the person I was visiting being served lobster or something you would not really expect to get at a hospital. Today, I had to go in and get an MRI done. I was quite surprised to discover that my local hospital is now offering escort services. My photo of the day for day 287 is …

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First stop, Benihana

I guess in some ways I have been pretty lucky. One of those ways is that I have a really cool girlfriend, and even though we live 2,000 miles apart, we get to see each other pretty frequently. Today, Tanya came back to SoCal to visit with me for a while. The big question I seem to be getting hit with has been, so what are you guys doing this time? The answer, I have no idea. My photo of the day for day 286 is of Tanya and I standing outside the local Benihana restaurant. Tanya has become familiar …

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What a Difference a Pill Makes

It feels so good not to hurt. I can only imagine how much more pleasant my trip to Europe would have been if the idiot GP, Dr. Kalata, had spent more than two minutes with me and prescribed the proper medicines instead of the crappy pain pills she pushed off on me. I would have been pain free by the time I hit Chicago if she had a clue as to what she was doing. My photo of the day for day 285 is of my little friend, Teddy standing guard over the remaining tablets from my six day prescription. …

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