Picture of the Day Update

Made it home from Las Vegas in one piece. The ride out there gave us temperatures close to 120. The hottest it ever got on the way home was 92. Definitely a better ride, even when it dropped to 60. Anyway, here are my pictures of the day for the last three days. Day 160 is Tanya and me on the way to The Player’s Ball, which we co-sponsored. It featured rapper, Too Short. Thursday, Day 161, found us poolside at the Hard Rock Hotel for the XFANZ Summer Expo. Day 162 was Friday and we spent a good portion …

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Yes, baddog has gotten lazy

I hate speaking in the third person. Anyway, it has been a busy last few days and I am not exactly feeling on top of my game, so while I have been taking my picture of the day, publishing them has been slow. So, how about some catch up? Sunday, my girlfriend came into town. After introducing her to my new bike we took a little ride. My picture for day 157 is us at BJ’s where she enjoyed a frosty root beer and I went for something a little stronger. Monday, we loaded up the bike and headed to …

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Do not forget to vote

Tuesday is election day. These elections are important. All elections are when you get down to it. Anyway, get out and vote. I will not be home, so my picture of the day is of my absentee ballot just before I took it to the post office.

Haircut and a shave for Day 154

Went to see Linda today for a haircut and a beard trim. Linda owns Hair Mechanicxs in Hermosa Beach. Linda has been cutting my hair for over 25 years. I do not let anyone else near me with a pair of shears. This is day 154 of my picture a day, and shows the end results of Linda’s work.

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