A pretty nice morning

I made the mistake of assuming that since a La Nina was the opposite of an El Nino, that this meant it would be a dry winter. I guess it has more to do with the temperature of the rain than the amount of it. I know one thing for sure, I have never worn out an umbrella before, but the one I have owned for the last year is never going to make it through this winter. My photo of the day was taken during my morning walk. One of the few nice mornings, lately.


2010 is rapidly drawing to a close and so is Project 365 for the year. While this project may have ended up being more of a task than a labor of love, it has made it possible for me to look back and see what I did this year. It has been fun packed. My picture of the day is of Buddy and I having a serious discussion about our activities of the past year.

Merry Christmas from GotBaddog

I have mentioned a couple of Christmas traditions I have in prior posts, but my favorite of all has to be my Christmas morning ride. As I am sure most of you are aware, the day after Thanksgiving starts the Christmas shopping season. This means one thing to me, lots of traffic. There are several large malls within a five mile perimeter so we get lots of traffic. I have lived in homes that were virtually impossible to get out of the driveway because of the amount of traffic. It makes owning a motorcycle pretty handy. On Christmas morning the …

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Yes, I could have walked

I needed horseradish. I also needed a bike ride. I could have gone to the supermarket that is a five minute walk from here, but I really needed that bike ride. Besides, what if I got the wrong kind? I know a deli out in Marina del Rey that should be able to tell me all I need to know about horseradish. After all, it was a beautiful day in the South Bay and I could not really remember how long it has been since I last went for a ride. I do not need an excuse, but I did …

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Stuff for Christmas

This time of year people like to give other people stuff. I guess I can appreciate it to some extent, but at some point, don’t we have enough stuff? To be honest, I think most of my friends and relatives really have enough stuff, so I try to find something a little different to give. Of course, there are lots of people out there that have very little stuff and they really have no expectations of receiving any. I seek out those people this time of year. My photo of the day for today is of a family I met …

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Excited about blue skies

Okay, maybe the skies were not exactly blue, but there were blue patches. After a week of rain the patches of blue caused as much excitement around here as the dove returning with an olive branch must have caused on Noah’s ark. My photo of the day for day 356 is of the local seagulls celebrating their ability to fly again.

I Know How Noah Felt

Have I mentioned how wet it is around here lately? It is getting more and more difficult each day to find a piece of land above the water to walk Buddy on. As you can tell by my photo of the day, Buddy is not too bothered by it.

Speed Shopping

Back in the day, when I was married, I liked to do my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. I am not really sure why that is. The fact of the matter is that I have never been a big fan of Christmas, so I guess I just like the pressure. Maybe I just enjoy watching everyone else freak out, while I know I will do just fine. These days, I do not always have the luxury of waiting until the last minute because other people’s schedules are now involved. My photo of the day for day 354 is of the …

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Reindeer Down

Yes, this non-stop rain and wind is taking its toll on some of the neighbors Christmas decorations. We are supposed to have two more days of this stuff, so we will see who puts up the most durable decorations. My photo of the day is of Buddy checking on the welfare of a local Christmas decoration.

Christmas Neo-traditions

One Christmas, when my daughter was a young girl, she informed her mother and I that she did not want any Christmas presents and that she would prefer if we bought gifts for the less fortunate. Now, this was not just some idle rambling made by a pubescent teen, she actually ended up getting her entire high school behind this idea and she got a massive number of toys donated to LA County Medical Center, and the tradition carried for several years. She may not know it, but it caused me to start my own tradition. My photo of the …

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