Torrance residents have a new issue facing them and that is the fact that due to Federal, State and County mandates we must cut down to zero the amount of trash that enters our storm drains; failure to comply will result in fines of up to $10,000 a day. One method of cutting down on the trash and debris is to improve the efficiency of our street sweepers; in order to accomplish this the City of Torrance is proposing the addition of no parking signs on street sweeping days. This has caused quite an uproar as many people are suggesting that this is not necessary; that people will voluntarily keep their cars off the street on street sweeping day. I saw one comment on Facebook that suggested, “Street sweeping has been going on for years in my neighborhood – WITH NO SIGNS! Crazy, isn’t it, to think that people might actually do what is best and right for their neighborhood WITHOUT forced government intervention? Every Monday there is NOT ONE car parked on the street as far as I can see. CRAZY!”

I decided to watch the video of the April 22 City Council meeting ( and it seems a large number of the people that are against the no parking signs are from the same part of Torrance as the person that made the Facebook comment, so I decided to head out there on Monday. These are the photos of what I observed.

If you have an opinion about this proposal you should head to the Torrance City Council meeting tonight, Tuesday May 20 at 7:00 PM.

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